I've been hacking away at exercising for the last year. I've lost a chuck of weight, but to be honest, all this work still kind of sucks. One of my favorite exercises is to walk up and down the stairs with a 50 pound backpack on while listening to classical music. My favorite piece to listen to while I do this is Mozart's Piano concerto no. 5. It is such a fitting tune, speaking of a that hippy metaphorical stuff. (That and the tempo is great to step too.)
Bogged down. Shoulders burdened with a great weight. How can we possibly trudge up hill? Life is hard, at least with any real aspirations. All those motivational guru's speak of positivity. Good and well, but how do I really achieve a positive mind set. Some seem to suggest by ignoring negativity. Others seem to suggest positivity is a matter of kicking myself in the rear and yelling 'fight it.'
I'm not sure if K. 482 has the answer, but it presses on. Mozart wrote this piece around the time he was working on The Marriage of Figaro. He had his own set of obstacles to climb. The song doesn't ignore the fact that life is hard. It doesn't try to say, 'hey that pack is not really there.' This piece has a slapping myself in the face, keep going tone. So, I will. Trudge that steep ascent toward my aspiration (in the case of exercising: perspirations) with that weight on my shoulders.