Monday, March 31, 2014

K. 33, Kyrie

K. 33, Kyrie

Its hard for me to get into heavy Gregorian sounding music.  K. 33 is a bit of that.   Kyrie Eleison ‘Lord have mercy’.  Why ask for mercy? And what music fits best such a plea?  Their grand tour was winding down.  Much of the family had nearly died on the trip. And, the 10-year-old boy wrote this piece.  But, it doesn’t seem the tones are a plea for mercy. The music seems, in fact, to declare, ‘God has been merciful.’ Soft and surrendered. 

If you want to hear a real music that captures real pleas for mercy, listen to the Kyrie of Mozart’s Mass in C minor.  K. 427.  That’s music of a pleading heart.